
Our history begins in 1945 in Pomerode Santa Catarina, with the foundation by the Schmidt family of the first factory, Porcelana Schmidt. In the 1950s, it passes through São Paulo and Paraná, with the acquisition of two new factories: Porcelana Real in Mauá and Porcelana Steatita in Campo Largo.
Currently, with 78 years of tradition, Porcelana Schmidt, through its unit in Paraná, is a reference at the tableware products of millions of brazilians.
História Porcelana Schmidt
With a great diversity in its line, for CASA and for GASTRONOMY, its MISSION is the commitment to excellence in the quality of its products and in the service to its customers and consumers, spread around the world.
Porcelana Schmidt
Porcelana Schmidt
A Legítima Porcelana desde 1945
Fábrica Campo Largo - Sede - Av. Porcelana, nº 621 Campo Largo / PR 83604-200
desenvolvido com Coração por Evonline